PrimeDice - Worlds number one Bitcoin gambling site

 PrimeDice - World's number one Bitcoin gambling site
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Since early in the history of bitcoin, dice-casino websites have been a popular way for gamblers to risk their bitcoin for big profits, or big losses.  However, gambling in a traditional casino as a high-roller comes with free drinks, free rooms, and the kind of coddling a website can not provide.  Where many sites have struggled with this, brings to the table a unique, sleek design, a free bitcoin faucet, and a free automated betting system so even the most challenged user can try his luck at bot-betting.  I had a chance to speak with Stunna, the creator of PrimeDice , about where he plans to take this unique website in the future:

How did you first get interested in bitcoin?
One of my good long time friends was involved with bitcoin since 2010 and would constantly talk about them which sparked my initial interest.  I was initially very turned off from the idea of bitcoin due to the negative image and volatility during that time.  I remember just barely preventing that friend from investing in Pirate’s Bitcoin Savings and Trust ponzi scheme.  I got involved with bitcoin and purchased my first coins a year later after spending significant time understanding the technology behind it, now I’m obsessed.

Have you ever gambled in a casino? How long?
I do enjoy gambling quite a bit, however I only do so about once a year for the entertainment.  I get my kicks making small prop-bets with friends.

Where did you get the idea for Primedice
Satoshidice was the only dicing site available when we started working on Primedice3.  I tested SD out a bit and was disappointed that it would take  10+ minutes to get a bet result and sometimes much longer.  I saw how explosively popular Satoshidice was and saw some room to innovate.  One of the greatest applications of bitcoin was gambling due to the ability to instantly deposit and withdraw money and I felt this market wasn’t sufficiently developed.

What has been the biggest challenge in operating
While starting up the hardest issue was definitely bugs and ddos attacks.  We experienced significant downtime until we moved to a new server and properly configured cloudflare for Primedice 2.  Early on the site also suffered from a variety of bugs and performance issues which greatly hurt the user experience.

Has there been anything particularly pleasant about operating the site, that you didn’t expect when you started?
I’ve enjoyed interacting with the community very much so and have become friends with many PD users. While there are probably more negative tales than positive, I’ve had the pleasant experience of talking to several people who’s life was changed by their significant profits on Primedice.  Primedice giveaways and our faucet which can be claimed every minute for a maximum of 0.00001 per minute have also helped many new bitcoiners get started in the community.

Do you get nervous when the really high rollers show up and get a little lucky?
When we first started off earlier this year I’d definitely get nervous watching the highrollers play.  We used to suffer a lot with our tiny 1% edge but ended up beating expected returns over time.  If I was online at the time this whale was playing about a week ago I probably would have been pretty nervous:  That all happened within one minute and is probably the highest profit streak I’ve seen on our site.  The winnings from that were worth around $300,000 at the time, winning that much in one minute is unheard of in any sort of online gambling.  Luckily for us the user did end up losing much of his profit but still left with a nice amount.  I feel that many old bitcoin users get fairly reckless with gambling as they were used to betting 100+ coins at a time just a year ago and many have kept their coins.

Is there any one thing you wish you could tell everyone about Primedice?
Only gamble what you are willing to lose, the ultimate goal you have when you gamble should always be to entertain yourself. At the end of the day you must realize that you are paying for entertainment and will almost always lose in the long run.  Gambling can be a problematic addiction for people trying to get rich quickly, that’s not the attitude I want users to come to our site with.  I’d much prefer users to responsibly gamble small amounts than wager more than they are comfortable with and regret it later.
Something that very few know about PrimeDice is that we developed a blockchain style betting site as well as a sportsbook several months ago.  The code and design for those were pretty much finished but we ended up pidgeonholing them to focus our full attention on Primedice.  Also, it is important to note that we spend excessive amounts of time on our design, 100+ hours will have been spent on the design of PD3 alone despite keeping a similar layout.

What can you tell us about Primedice ?
Primedice is coming out within July, we’ve been working very hard on it and feel it will set the bar for all gambling sites both bitcoin and fiat. We’ve rebuilt our back-end from scratch and made tremendous steps forward in terms of design which we know our users will love!

Features include:

  • Improved live stats
  • Professionally optimized for all devices
  • Level system (1-30)
  • Higher level = Higher faucet reward
  • 20+ Achievements
  • Notification system
  • Refreshed design
  • Jackpot (Likely funded by us)
  • Stronger provably fair
  • Affiliate system
  • Improved user security
  • Improved bot options
  • A new way to roll

  • Get bonus and gamble bitcoin
Teaser of achievements:

Top Primedice players of the week!

Bitcoin highroller

Litecoin highroller

More information about PrimeDice - please visit our Twitter, Dailymotion pages or visit the official primedice website by using our shortened url here,
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DailyMotion: Old school primedice gambling video

All credits for this article/Interview goes to and Stunna the owner of (0&&(f=parseInt(a[a.length-1].timestamp,10)+1);var g=null,r=null,G=void 0,H=null,t=(window.location.hash||"#").substring(1),I,J;/^comment-form_/.test(t)?I=t.substring(13):/^c[0-9]+$/.test(t)&&(J=t.substring(1));var V={id:c.postId,data:a,loadNext:function(k){if(f){var h=c.feed+"?alt=json&v=2&orderby=published&reverse=false&max-results=50";f&&(h+="&published-min="+(new Date(f)).toISOString());window.bloggercomments=function(u){f=null;var p=[];if(u&&u.feed&& u.feed.entry)for(var d,K=0;d=u.feed.entry[K];K++){var l={},e=/blog-(\d+).post-(\d+)/.exec($t);[2]:null;a:{e=void 0;var L=d&&(d.content&&d.content.$t||d.summary&&d.summary.$t)||"";if(d&&$extendedProperty)for(e in$extendedProperty)if($extendedProperty[e].name=="blogger.contentRemoved"){e=''+L+"";break a}e=L}l.body=e;l.timestamp=Date.parse(d.published.$t)+"";[0])&&({$t:void 0,profileUrl:e.uri?e.uri.$t:void 0,$image?$image.src:void 0});[2]&&([2].href),[3]&&(e=/.*comments\/default\/(\d+)\?.*/.exec([3].href))&&e[1]&&(l.parentId=e[1]));l.deleteclass="item-control blog-admin";if($extendedProperty)for(var v in$extendedProperty)$extendedProperty[v].name=="blogger.itemClass"?l.deleteclass+=" "$extendedProperty[v]$extendedProperty[v].name=="blogger.displayTime"&& ($extendedProperty[v].value);p.push(l)}f=p.length<50?null:parseInt(p[p.length-1].timestamp,10)+1;k(p);window.bloggercomments=null};var z=P();z.type="text/javascript";O(z,Q(h+"&callback=bloggercomments"));document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(z)}},hasMore:function(){return!!f},getMeta:function(k,h){return"iswriter"==k?"true":"":"deletelink"==k?c.baseUri+"/delete-comment.g?blogID="+c.blogId+"&postID="+"deleteclass"==k?h.deleteclass:""},onReply:function(k,h){g==null&&(g=document.getElementById("comment-editor"),g!=null&&(,"block",r=g.src.split("#")));g&&k&&k!==G&&(document.getElementById(h).insertBefore(g,null),h=r[0]+(k?"&parentID="+k:""),r[1]&&(h=h+"#"+r[1]),g.src=h,||,G=k,g.removeAttribute("data-resized"),g.dispatchEvent(new Event("iframeMoved")))},rendered:!0,initComment:J,initReplyThread:I,config:{maxDepth:c.maxThreadDepth}, messages:b};a=function(){if({var k=document.getElementById("comment-holder");,V)}};||{},||{},||[],},S=["blogger","widgets","blog","initThreadedComments"],T=x;S[0]in T||typeof T.execScript=="undefined"||T.execScript("var "+S[0]); for(var U;S.length&&(U=S.shift());)S.length||R===void 0?T=T[U]&&T[U]!==Object.prototype[U]?T[U]:T[U]={}:T[U]=R;}).call(this);
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